The high cost of gaming

Christopher Helton has written a so called Industry-article on ENWorld about how RPG-gamers are cheapskates that won’t pay what games are worth (Edit: the article has since been removed but can still be read via Wayback Machine). Consequently game designers can’t make a decent living doing what they love.
Shield of the Basilisk

As I read through some published modules and plan my new fantasy campaign I substitute every bland magic item and vanilla +#
weapon with something more colorful.
This is my reworking of a simple +1
Glass Blade of the Ancients

As I read through some published modules and plan my new fantasy campaign I substitute every bland magic item and vanilla +#
weapon with something more colorful.
This my reworking of a bland +1
short sword wielded by goblin leader in a module for character levels 1-3.
Character Creation: ICONS

ICONS is the second superhero roleplaying game from Mutants & Masterminds creator Steve Kenson. ICONS is loosely based on FATE and so is a rules light game. It differs from FATE in that it relies more on numbers and actually simplifies the concepts of descriptors and Aspects. Character creations is hugely different as well.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Deity: RaccRocc

I’m working on the setting for my Dungeon Crawl Classics-campaign and I’ve got a smallish map and some nations and areas worked out in my mind. Among the things I feel are promising is an evil nation of undead elves (a sealed off area held at bay by a knightly order of heroic warriors) and a nation ruled by draconic druglords.
Anyway; the thing that gets the creative juices flowing most at the moment is working on the pantheon. I have previously presented the god of festivals, orgies, food, wine and gluttony, Omnomnom. Today I give you the twin gods of chance and destiny. It is loosely based on Oponn from the Malazan-books. As usual I like to give the clerics some small benefits and drawbacks from their deity.